Good Deed: Students help 6th Cavalry Museum with heavy load

Performance Learning Center students help unload and move five display cabinets into the 6th Cavalry Museum.
Performance Learning Center students help unload and move five display cabinets into the 6th Cavalry Museum.

The 6th Cavalry Museum had a delivery of five display cabinets from Huntsville, Alabama, and three students from the Performance Learning Center, the school next door to the museum, came to the rescue to unload and get them into the museum. They were too big to roll through the door and had to be carried sideways. Thank goodness for these young men.

The museum is so fortunate to have the Performance Learning Center as our neighbor. Over the years the students have helped with all kinds of projects to support the museum and lend a helping hand when asked.

Chris McKeever, executive director

6th Cavalry Museum

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